my mom had been wanting me to make her a dress for some time. since school was still in it was harder to be able to do any outside sewing. so finally i could make her her dress. she originally wanted a solid black dress using a pretty black eyelet lace and black lining. well, i laid the pattern pieces out on the eyelet lace and there wasn't enough. the lady who cut it didn't know what she was doing when she cut it and gave me less than what i asked for. it was much later after we had bought the fabric i realized this and they didn't have anymore. so we went to JoAnn's and she found a cute patterned silk in the clearance section for $5/yd! for the new dress she also bought a new pattern.
since my mom is short-waisted i shortened the waist of the pattern using the lines they had on there. also, the fabric didn't need to be lined, so i took the facing pieces they had (front neck and back neck) and taped it to regular printer paper and traced around the armhole to create a facing piece that covered the neck, shoulders, and armholes. this way i didn't need a lining and it gave the dress the stability it needed around those areas.
to finish off the hem i simply serged the edge then used the good ol' Stitch Witchery. I knew a regular hem with a seam on the outside wouldn't look right with this silk fabric. it was actually easier doing the hem that way too.
now i just need to get around to making her a skirt from the other fabric so it doesn't go to waste.