The first project up is some jersey knit t-shirts I made. I refashioned these from the maxi skirts I made a long time ago when I first stared sewing. I never wore the skirts so I figured I'd make something useful from them. I traced a t-shirt I already owned for the pattern. I added bands around the neck and arms and did a simple zig-zag stitch around the hem since I don't have a double needle.
My next project is the first assignment that was due for my Clothing Construction 2 class. The pattern for this top was from the one we drafted in Flat Pattern 1. It has princess seams on the front and a back yoke with an inverted box pleat. The fabrics I used were all something I had in my stash. I used a simple solid black cotton and a fun Hawaiian-esque printed cotton I received from my former boss when she wrapped up a gift card she gave me. I knew that fabric would come in handy one day! And of course I did my favorite thing...fabric covered buttons!

This next project was also for school. This was the second assignment due for my Clothing Construction 2 class. The patterns used were drafted in our Flat Pattern 2 class. I am all about making patterns and clothing that I will actually wear, so I made a simple circle skirt. Nothing fancy. I used a printed cotton and lined it with a regular acetate lining. I did a fun green zipper, even though you can't see it because of the lap and I did a simple faced hem with bias tape.
And of course I had to do some fabric covered buttons to coordinate!
Up next was a little fun project I was asked to do for a little girl, little Miss G, of one of my mom's coworkers. Her family was going to be in Disney World for Halloween and the little girl wanted a Bollywood-esque, Princess Jasmine-esque costume. I didn't have much to go on so I began creating the costume myself. I drafted every piece of the outfit and the little girl's mom supplied all the materials. For the top I did a simple sleeveless bodice block. There is a solid pink satin under the pink sequin chiffon. There is a strip of gold beads around the front hem, and to get the top to fit well I did elastic around the back hem. I faced the armholes with self-made bias strips and then slipstitched a little chiffon sleeve around the top of the armhole.
For the pants, I first drafted a simple pant block. For the outer chiffon layer I modified the pant block into a baggy pant so that they would fit loosely and billow at the ankle. And of course since it was a chiffon I made some shorts from the basic pant block out of a solid orange knit she gave me. I must say I was extremely happy with how the little costume came out and little Miss G was even happier! That's what mattered most!
The third assignment of the semester was to draft and sew a pair of pants. For this project I created an awesome pair of 70s-esque trouser pants. I used a fun floral printed 21W corduroy and found a cute wooden flower for the button closure. I even went a little insane and created my own bias tape to bind every seam, instead of serging them. Yep, I created over 7 yards of bias tape! Very tedious but I was happy with the end result on the pants. We were also required to do a welt pocket on the pants. This was my first time ever doing a welt pocket.

Alrighty, second to last assignment! Now you can see why I've never had time to update. This assignment was to pattern and sew a pair of jeans. I created a pair of skinny jeans from an awesome stretch plum denim I found. The good thing about making your clothes is that I was able to make these to fit higher up on my waist. They sit just below my bellybutton and I did a contoured waistband. I lined the pockets with some leftover cotton from the first circle skirt. I ran out of plum denim for the back pockets (required) and the belt loops, so I used some black denim I had from a pair of jeans I previously cut up.
Now for the final assignment of Clothing Construction 2. We had to sew a garment from a copy of another piece of clothing we already owned. I chose a front button sleeveless dress I have and love. After making the muslin for Flat Pattern 2 to test fit I did not like the dress anymore, so I shortened it and created a top. For this top I used this blue and black checked cotton flannel. There are princess seams on the front and back and when I was construction the back portion the bodice was too big for the yoke so I did an inverted box pleat.

Whew! That sums up all the sewing projects I worked on since my last post. I'm going to try and do better this semester about keeping y'all updated. I appreciate all my readers and am so glad y'all take the time to read my happenings. Until next time!
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